Did you know?...

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is the impact of indoor air pollutants on the air we breathe and its effects on human wellness and productivity in your home, school or business.

Contaminants in HVAC systems have been identified as a major source of IAQ related illnesses. In a 13 year study, microorganisms accounted for approximately 45% of indoor air contaminants. 

Microbial contaminants such as mold, fungi, mildew spores and bacteria are commonly found within HVAC units. Without proper rectification, your business risks getting your employees and guests sick.

Microbial contaminants such as mold, fungi, mildew spores and bacteria are commonly found within HVAC units. Without proper rectification, your business risks getting your employees and guests sick.



Sick Building Syndrome (SBS), Building Related Illnesses (BRI) and other IAQ related problems cost the economy approximately $150 billion annually and 150 million days are lost per year through absenteeism (American Medical Association).


While IAQ is caused by many factors, you can eliminate air circulation as a potential source through proper maintenance and care. Let SEfilter provide a routine maintenance agreement which can rectify this issue and prevent sickness.